Finally cracked the 300 page mark in revisions.
Some stuff has been done past that, but this is the grinding stage…read every word, read chunks aloud, check tone and balance and all that stuff. Still finding things to fix (whine, whimper, ARGH) like the viewpoint thing I wrote about the other day. I thought I would never get out of the first hundred or the second hundred. So far (knocking on the nearest wood) the 300s are going better. Total length still over 800 pages…168,636 words, by Word count. That’s down about 1000 words from when I started, and almost 200 words down in the past couple of days. I’d really like to get past 450 on the revisions today if at all possible; I’m in the 320s now. That way I could have it ready to send off by week’s end. Assuming the last 450 pages could go at just over 100 pages/day.
Taking a break now (after 2 1/2 hours sitting here without one) to unfreeze muscles and brain. Put a load of laundry in, put fresh sheets on the bed, go outside with the camera. Richard says three flowers on the rose hibiscus and I’d love a picture of that.