Local experienced alpha reader, having read the latest (until this morning) version of a chapter, thought it much improved but still needing a tweak or two. And finally got it through my head exactly what was bothering him.
So this morning, the solution popped into my head…oh! Of course! Decompress this too “tight” bit, open it out to a conversation, and bingo…dealt with.
Even smaller thing…to head off the “why didn’t X just ask Y that simple Question Z?” that otherwise apparently sticks out, a single sentence reveals that Question Z is extremely rude when directed to an elf, and in Lyonya almost no one asks Z of anyone. It Just Isn’t Done.
Local experienced alpha reader sent a thumbs-up.
Meanwhile, last night I figured out what happened to the unexploded ordnance he needed to have found in this first chapter of his new one, so it would be clear that sabotage had occurred. Heh-heh-heh….
Meanwhile again, I’ve found another four wonderful-perfect-diamond-studded pages (in what is now chapter ten after some rearrangement) that maybe should be cut. Or perhaps written in another POV (oh, gee, just rewriting a mere 800-1000 words in another POV…that’s nothing, right?)
Yeah, I think re-writing this is called for. Sigh. Grump. Whine. Moan. Complain. (Just shut up already and DO IT says something in my head.) But it’s pretty and I wanted to sit out by the water garden… (You had your walk on the land already. Quit griping and get busy.) And I need to work on that Nunc Dimittis and I’m not sure of that five measure bit in the Magnificat… (GET BUSY. On your WORK.)
Later, folks.