Mar 28
Posted: under artwork, the writing life, Website Update.
Tags: artwork, map, the writing life, Website Notice March 28th, 2011
A “work” version of the map for Kings of the North is now up on the Paksworld website maps page, here. I don’t have time to do a prettified antiqued version right now, so this is for those who bought the book in a format that did not include the map. [...more]
A “work” version of the map for Kings of the North is now up on the Paksworld website maps page, here. I don’t have time to do a prettified antiqued version right now, so this is for those who bought the book in a format that did not include the map.
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Feb 26
Posted: under artwork, Kings of the North, the writing life.
Tags: artwork, the book business, the writing life February 26th, 2011
Author’s copies of the UK edition of Kings of the North arrived yesterday and look really good…the cover is stunning. Including the double-page-spread map. I think you in the UK will see the actual books in the stores earlier than we in the US, if I understood UK Editor’s email. Thus it’s time for […] [...more]
Author’s copies of the UK edition of Kings of the North arrived yesterday and look really good…the cover is stunning. Including the double-page-spread map. I think you in the UK will see the actual books in the stores earlier than we in the US, if I understood UK Editor’s email. Thus it’s time for a reminder that any spoilerish comments need to be clearly marked with “Spoilers” in the subject line so that those who haven’t gotten the book yet aren’t given tidbits they don’t want…and ideally no spoilerish comments will appear until mid-April. Read the rest of this entry »
Jul 07
Posted: under artwork, the writing life.
Tags: artwork, map, the writing life July 7th, 2010
Time has not been kind to the old drafting table, but the internet has been–because when I looked up used and new drafting tables, I found one for sale boasting of its Vyco cover. That’s the kind of cover my mother had on her big table at the oil company she worked for. So I […] [...more]
Time has not been kind to the old drafting table, but the internet has been–because when I looked up used and new drafting tables, I found one for sale boasting of its Vyco cover. That’s the kind of cover my mother had on her big table at the oil company she worked for. So I asked the blueprint place if they carried it, and they did, and yesterday I picked up a piece of about the right size for this table. Here’s what it looked like before:
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Jul 02
Posted: under artwork, Kings of the North, the writing life.
Tags: artwork, map, the writing life July 2nd, 2010
You’ve seen much of this before, in the Oath of Fealty map, but there are some additions. [...more]
You’ve seen much of this before, in the Oath of Fealty map, but there are some additions.
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Jun 24
Posted: under artwork.
Tags: artwork, map June 24th, 2010
Jun 22
Posted: under artwork, the writing life.
Tags: artwork, map, progress report, the writing life June 22nd, 2010
The east half of the new map may be ready to photograph…when it’s printed, you’ll notice some tributaries you didn’t see before (hadn’t needed them before) and some towns, strongholds, etc. The west half is still being worked on. The southwest corner has acquired another range of mountains. [...more]
The east half of the new map may be ready to photograph…when it’s printed, you’ll notice some tributaries you didn’t see before (hadn’t needed them before) and some towns, strongholds, etc. The west half is still being worked on. The southwest corner has acquired another range of mountains.
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Jun 20
Posted: under artwork, the writing life.
Tags: artwork, map, progress report, the writing life June 20th, 2010
Here’s the current state of the map. I’m about ready to pull the undersheets of details to be transferred and continue with the empty spots. [...more]
Here’s the current state of the map. I’m about ready to pull the undersheets of details to be transferred and continue with the empty spots.

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Jun 18
Posted: under artwork, Kings of the North, the writing life.
Tags: artwork, map, the writing life June 18th, 2010
Someday, maybe even tomorrow, there’ll be another picture of the map progress. It won’t look like much, but that’s because today I erased about a quarter of it. Luckily for me (and you, in the long run) what needed erasing wasn’t inked yet. Now it is. [...more]
Someday, maybe even tomorrow, there’ll be another picture of the map progress. It won’t look like much, but that’s because today I erased about a quarter of it. Luckily for me (and you, in the long run) what needed erasing wasn’t inked yet. Now it is.
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May 28
Posted: under artwork, the writing life.
Tags: artwork, map, the writing life May 28th, 2010
Thought you might like a picture of the master map on the board, ready for more lines… [...more]
Thought you might like a picture of the master map on the board, ready for more lines…
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