Thanks to the packing and preparation for moving M- into an apartment in the city, writing time has remained minimal this week…but some progress is happening, at least in my head. I hope and expect to have a sort of microburst of writing when he’s installed, writing it all down in sequence rather than rough notes.
I really can’t talk much about Book III right now, except to assure you it’s coming along, since anything I share is likely to drop major spoiler lumps of Kings all over the landscape. Book III is acting like a typical “hinge” book, and thus spilling secrets all over the place, though the significance of most/some of them is still withheld. Although not all the parts are in place yet (Book III isn’t halfway yet), enough are that I can begin to see the shape of the rest of the story arc, beyond “And then a lot of stuff happens and at the end there’s this grand sort of tie-up.”
I can tell you that there will be much more about people you already care about, and that not all the news is good. I would very much like to pull some comforting miracles out of thin air for something I wrote this week, but I’m afraid that’s a cheat, in this instance. Sometimes my intuition at this point is wrong, though, and the plot daemon has a secret coil of causation I didn’t know about. Maybe it’s just dire so I’ll write it dire, and all will be well and all manner of thing will be well.
When we finally do get M- installed in his apartment, I will have to dive into map-making with great speed and intensity for a week (maps should’ve been there by now.) THEN back to normal writing, maybe.
Comment by Elizabeth D. — May 22, 2010 @ 12:56 pm
If you need a book IV to finish, that would be O.K. with me, at least. I hope that Paks world doesn’t ride into the sunset, but has more spin-offs and further developments. I can’t wait to meet new characters and situations. This is my favorite series.
I hope that M. is all moved in; my daughter moved back, and she and my grandson live with us. He is ready for Kindergarten, although he is already reading.
Comment by Martin LaBar — May 22, 2010 @ 6:25 pm
God help you with all the details involved in the moving. In Christ’s name.
Comment by elizabeth — May 23, 2010 @ 7:51 am
Thanks, Martin.