Kings of the North has now traveled down the hall (so to speak) from Editorial to Production, as Editor called yesterday with one last tweak–and then approved the tweak I provided. A few more things need to be sent off–the front matter stuff, dedication and the like, and a map specific to this book–but basically it’s now on the cog railway towards its emergence next year as a book on the shelf.
A happy time for both Editor and Writer and the start of nail-biting time for Production, who must shepherd Kings through copy editing, typesetting, proofreading, printing, binding, etc.
Meanwhile, I’m facing the need to clear off the kitchen table, and keep it clear, for the time it takes to work on the master map, so I can finish the parts of Lyonya, Tsaia, and Fintha that need to appear for Kings. And then actually finish those parts (and as much else as I can, to get ahead of the map requirements of the later book(s) where the entire “story space” is involved. Well…nearly all of it.
And the plot-bomb for III that landed on me in church during the last hymn is bumping onto my brain, demanding to be allowed to explode in a fit of writing.