So, today, I faced the need for another chapter. Yes, another chapter must be included. And I think the previous chapter needs to be split (for story-logical reasons) so that its latter part becomes the first part of the new chapter (which presently rejoices in the designation of Chap-18a.) Some research in Oath of Gold reminded me of specific persons the right age to know the relevant bits of history who were still alive then…and thus should still be alive now and able to recall said bits.Some 1400+ words in the new chapter accomplished today, and I’m planning to make it to 2000 before I quit for the night. That should just about complete the essential transfers of information on the human side. I don’t think I’m up for another elf-human confrontation tonight. A couple more of those have to occur to complete the set up and feathering in. I think.
I’m grateful to Richard for giving me some dark chocolate with espresso beans for Christmas, and for remembering that Smetana’s The Bartered Bride is good working music for this group of books (it’s not the only thing, but Beethoven and Schubert, which had worked on other parts, weren’t working on this.) With any luck, and despite the farrier’s visit tomorrow, I should be able to wind this up tomorrow by midnight. I hope. I want Thursday & Friday for polishing and re=linking everything, with Saturday and Sunday as “emergency overrun” days, so I can ship it off to Editor on the weekend, right before she comes back to work.