So…the readers agreed that the changes made the chapters better.
Now they want more better. That hollow pcck-pock-pock you hear is me beating my head on the desk (actually impossible as the keyboard is in the way and it’s an old, sturdy keyboard I don’t want to risk…)
So. It will please some of you that what they want is more revelations (or at least more hints of revelations.) Foreboding music of skullduggery afoot (though of course skullduggery might be ahorse or afloat or awing, I suppose.)
Hints of gruesome doings in the past and motives for concealing same and the danger of even more gruesome doings in the future.
It is not, I mutter at them, a horror story. No gruesomes. ” Maybe some underhandedness. Maybe some skullduggery of the non-gruesome sort. Perhaps a touch of betrayal, a whiff of…oh…treason?
But mostly, back to the grindstone with my sore nose and my headache and my desire not to have to face those chapters again. And yet (another dramatic gesture, back of hand to forehead) yes, I will once again face those chapters…for your sake.
(Oh, quit that sniggering, you in the back. I know I’m being ridiculous. It’s on purpose!)