Book II has now undergone several procedures, starting with cloning and a new identity (has a hospital bracelet with the name of its primary and the number of its clone-identity), followed by (for that clone) extraction of all POV chapters for that character into another file. Both the primary and the POV clone are on life support for the duration, ensuring that nothing’s permanently lost.
Organs/chapters deemed in need of serious work are again separately cloned and transferred to special book-surgical suites, one per organ. They’re subjected to micro-dissection to find out what their problem is. If necessary, components are bioengineered in separate facilities, and then surgically implanted into the original. One such component is currently showing some promise.
If all this seems obscure…it’s supposed to. At this stage it bears an unfortunate resemblance to sausage-making–there’s slicing, dicing, mixing and hooking up to tubes and wires. You really do not want to know the details. (I know, you say you do. But after all…there will be losses. Some of the transplants and grafts won’t take, and those organs may be too damaged to survive. A succession of clones off the primary may be needed. That’s messy and nothing you should have to contend with.)
Surgical teams will be working hard over the next days. Have a seat in the waiting room, and the team leader will speak with you in more detail when she’s free.