Another Lost Sheep Comes Bleating In…

Posted: April 28th, 2024 under Collections, Contents, Conventions, Editing, Life beyond writing, the writing life.
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I was working on the story collection this past week, among other chores, and suddenly wondered if one of last summer’s that I really wanted in, but had seemed gone for good due to a careless deletion, might have been attached to an email I sent to a friend last fall before the flash drive crashed.   And lo! there it was.  An earlier draft but there.  And in working it over again, a better ending came to me.

Until I’ve talked to Lisa, at my agent’s office, I won’t know if this is the *final* set of works in the new collection, or the final draft of the previously unpublished ones,  or if they’ll be in the same order.  (The order makes sense to me, but…not an editor.)

Final Honor.   A late sequel to “Mercenary’s Honor” (set 7-10 years after the first story) in one of the previous collections,  originally in SHATTERED SHIELDS.

Destinies.   A close sequel to “Consequences” in last year’s DEEDS OF YOUTH.

Judgment.  Longish novella, originally included in THE DRAGON QUINTET, and I think the first story that included a dragon (let alone *that* Dragon) in Paksworld.

My Princess.  A story out of deep Paksworld history, from Old Aare before the disasters there.

Valley of Death. Also an Old Aare story, but the Sandlord’s advance was already going on.

Bargains.  Very short, and my first fiction sale.

The total wordage of these is a little short, but there will be intros, and if I can find or come up with something more in the 2000 words range, I’ll add that.

But mostly I’ll be concentrating on the Horngard book.

Meanwhile, in the “out and about” section, I expect to be on the *virtual* programming list for NASFiC this year.  It’s in Buffalo, NY, in July, but I’ll be here in Texas instead.    Not yet up for that long a trip, and I’ve had a couple more falls, both apparently related to sudden dives of blood pressure.   Need to get steadier.  I also expect to be at ArmadilloCon in Austin, in early September.   More on both later.   Austin’s familiar enough that I don’t need to worry too much about falling over.




  • Comment by Jace — April 29, 2024 @ 7:12 am


    Really excited for the new story.

  • Comment by Jazzlet — April 29, 2024 @ 2:52 pm


    Yay for finding another story, and for improving the ending.

    Sorry to hear you are having possible sudden blood pressure drops. A friend has started having dizziness that could be caused by sudden blood pressure drops, but finding out if that is actually the case is hard. I was there one time when it happened, we measured her blood pressure pretty quickly – a couple of minutes at most- after she needed to sit down, and it was normal. But bodies can respond that fast, so she is still wondering. I hope the situation is more clear for you, I hate to think of you having falls!

  • Comment by Linda — April 29, 2024 @ 9:06 pm


    Delightful to have word on a lost sheep / lost story.

    My lost sheep was my own past. I went to my first college reunion … after 55 years and found the place still focused on producing good thinkers who have a firm ethical base. Also that one or two things I accomplished all those years ago had a lasting positive effect. And found them honoring worthy, not rich or famous, individuals. Also good land use campus wide, organic gardens, a more diverse student body, and creativity among students, faculty, and administrators.

    Also saw the home I grew up in, the site of my first winning involvement with environmental activism at age 11 ( in 1964), and places where ordinary folks are making a difference just by being friendly and open with strangers.

  • Comment by Jonathan Schor — May 1, 2024 @ 6:22 am


    Please take care of yourself – we don’t want another Edwin Drood. And it is good to recover “lost” stories.

    Stay safe and stay sane.

  • Comment by elizabeth — May 1, 2024 @ 9:24 pm


    Meanwhile I’ve already done another edit of the “Valley of Death” story, changing its word length by about 100 words and (I think) improving it.

  • Comment by Jace — May 3, 2024 @ 8:55 am


    Are you getting the heavy weather that we see Texas is being hammered by??

  • Comment by Nadine Bowlus — May 25, 2024 @ 4:29 pm


    Back from taking a computer break.
    Glad to see that lost things have been found, and new things are peeking through the hedge.

    Best wishes for continued improvement (as much as possible) in the health realm.

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