I’m working with an artist friend (the one who digitized the border design for the Paksworld website for me) to get some pencil sketches of a few characters and other things for the website. I can do good landscapes and buildings and horses (well…if you don’t demand Leonardo-like accuracy for the hocks!) and some objects, but have never seriously worked on faces and costumes. And I want these to be sketchy-sketches, not completely finished–suggestions, not “the final word,” so that you can continue to imagine the people your way if you want.
It’s easier if you can tell an artist–like this actor/actress/picture in a magazine than if you expect them to come to a face with a description in words. Artists are visual. Writers are wordy. (I’m also visual, constantly reaching for the pencil, but I’m not as skilled.)
Just as I was getting well started on this, another editor (UK edition) popped in needing more background material, so I spent Friday night and part of Saturday writing up some stuff for that edition and shipping it off, so she’ll have it when she starts work tomorrow. It may not suit–but her description of what’s needed makes sense and I should be able to get it done fairly quickly.
Then the artist sent me the first sketch, which needs some modifications…and I really should get on with the object things I want to do, on my own. (No, I’m not neglecting the writing. This is in between, in breaks.)