A Writer’s Day

Posted: May 19th, 2014 under Life beyond writing.

It began early in the morning with a cat deciding it was time for the human to wake up.    As those of you with a feline in the house know, once the cat who thinks the human should wake up arrives on the bed, and then on the human, waking up will occur, with or without the human’s cooperation.  That was, roughly, 5:30 am.

It continued with some breakfast, some business emails, some goofing off on Twitter, whence I found this wonderful video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vjm-WQKJCOM&feature=youtu.be&ac   That’s a three day old foal playing around in the sun in Yorkshire.

Then a 4.7 mile bike ride, then hurrying through some chores and things, and the arrival of the restore CDs for the OS for my son’s computer (the hard drive toasted itself) before heading off for the gym for my twice weekly workout.  Back to find word from friends in the city (where son’s computer has resided for a week or by now two)  of when we could gather to put everything together.   I had a hard workout and was ready for the sack, but instead showered, changed, and drove into the city  to meet up with friends and son…and then we spent two fruitless hours trying to get the OS to load on the new hard drive.   Frustrating for the tech at the company trying to help us as well as us.  Finally gave up after 9 pm, because I knew I had to drive the 50 miles home after dropping off son at his apartment way the heck out the other side of the city.

Came home very tired, and discouraged (at the state of my fitness–so many things were hurting from today’s workout and the long drives against a strong gusty wind, at the failure to get son’s computer fixed, at the pile or other work that wasn’t getting done while I either went to the gym or didn’t get the computer fixed, etc.)  and discovered in my email a note from Agent that a new review was in–and a good one.  Really good.  As in “Gives even a tired, discouraged, stiff and aching  writer the warm fuzzies” good.

And so to bed, as Pepys put it.  Tomorrow is another attack on the ailing computer–or replacing it.   And finishing an important letter to the Copyright Office.   And washing socks and doing the laundry I didn’t get done today and hanging it out before I head to the city.  Likely no bike riding but plenty of work to accomplish.

[added later]  I can’t resist–Writer Ego strikes again:  https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/elizabeth-moon/crown-of-renewal/]




  • Comment by Sharidann — May 20, 2014 @ 1:33 am


    This Review is awesome…
    But spoilerish as heck…

    Well, only one more week Patience…

    Thanks for sharing and I hope the Computer issues are soon resolved.

  • Comment by Karen H — May 20, 2014 @ 1:58 am


    Counting down the days….

  • Comment by patricia n — May 20, 2014 @ 3:21 am


    I have just finished all the series, from Surrender none ,to Limits. Only a few days to go for my final fix of this wonderful series. I must still say I DO NOT LIKE LAUP

  • Comment by Ellen McLean — May 20, 2014 @ 4:57 am


    That’s the kind of review I love to see. You are at the height of your powers.

  • Comment by Richard — May 20, 2014 @ 7:41 am


    Getting an OS to self-install – a bit like expecting a brain surgeon to do brain surgery on his own brain.

    Yes it can be done. In theory. If the OS designer thought it through properly.

  • Comment by Sheepfarmer's Granddaughter — May 20, 2014 @ 8:33 am


    Read this post earlier so went & checkout out the local Waterstones (Eastbourne) which had it on the shelf.

    Have a 7 hour train journey tomorrow (to the funeral of my partner’s grandfather, mine is thankfully still going strong in his 90’s, showing that sheepfarming for 80 years does you good). Will immerse myself in paladins and power struggles, and forget the real world for a bit.

    If you haven’t pre-ordered, it’s worth checking out your local shop.

  • Comment by Kathleen — May 20, 2014 @ 5:06 pm


    The wait is agonizing.

  • Comment by Linda — May 20, 2014 @ 6:09 pm


    During all those years of reading reviews professionally, Kirkus was always my favorite. I’m psyched and ready to read … but Oy vey! Those spoilers.

    What sort of Momma horse was that with the feathery feet? I’ve been trying to make up for being unable to get my foreign travel fix by looking at picture books about Yorkshire and the South Downs. Both show many more sheep than horses.

    Your computer story makes me so glad that I’ve been using the same computer store/repair business since buying my first computer (an Apple 2e). In those days it was a one man operation run from an auto and a cell phone. You never wait more than 5 minutes, and there are a beagle and a bulldog to play with in the meantime. Best of all for me, one of their long time techs is a young woman who is capable of speaking slowly and clearly when dealing with those of us approaching geezerhood. Wouldn’t it be nice if every business was that customer friendly. They even send you to Radioshack for things they don’t have in stock and don’t let you leave looking puzzled.

    So I sincerely hope tomorrow is less frustrating and that you can get enough exercise to feel the stress melting away.

    Oh, and how will you celebrate the “big day?”

  • Comment by elizabeth — May 20, 2014 @ 10:41 pm


    This is a reply to all the comments at once because once again it’s very late and I’m wiped out. (Spent a thrilling day wrassling snakes-in-a-bag–metaphorical–in the morning, then buying son a new computer in the afternoon, then observing the setting up of new computer, then moving it to his apartment, then driving home. The computer stuff has involved not only me, but two techy friends, and a lot–way too much for my taste–driving to and around in the city in hot, very gusty wind. Also the severe warming up of the plastic…computer issues are sometimes best treated by the application of money. And since I was there, and meant to buy my new system by my birthday, I bought it along with son’s. Soon the days of my favorite yarn shop declaring my old system incompatible with their online portal…will be gone. [Of course, so is my yarn budget!!] Whoosh!)

    Spoilers. There are some, but also an error that isn’t a spoiler because that didn’t happen. And there’s a lot more–a LOT more–that wasn’t spoilered. You do not know all; there are more surprises in the box.

    Luap. No one is supposed to like Luap. (You can like him if you want to, but basically–he’s not that likeable. Wants to be, but fails at it.) I don’t expect you to like Luap, and if you really do think the poor, helpless man is misunderstood and actually kind of sweet…I will worry about you.

    Mare and foal: the mare is a gypsy vanner (or gypsy cob), with basically cob conformation and spots instead of solid color (there are other differences, but those are the biggies. The sire was also a gypsy vanner, a young stallion who jumped the wall to get to old Meg. The foal is SO cute.

    If you want wonderful pictures of Yorkshire and/or the Lake District, follow @AmandaOwen8 (Yorkshire) or @herdyshepherd1 (Lake District) on Twitter for great pictures & good posts. I look for a peaceful countryside/sheep picture as a bedtime treat. @AmandaOwen8 is the Yorkshire Shepherdess–title of a book by & about her.

    I’m falling over. Tomorrow is another day with lots to do in it.

  • Comment by Susan — May 20, 2014 @ 10:55 pm


    Sleep well, and sweet dreams, Elizabeth. You certainly deserve them!
    (one more week…I can make it one more week…)

  • Comment by Wickersham's Conscience — May 21, 2014 @ 12:24 am


    “An extremely talented writer at the height of her powers.”

    Sounds about right. And should provide a warm afterglow for a few days. Congratulations.

  • Comment by Naomi — May 21, 2014 @ 1:14 am


    MP3 CD arrived, 21 hours with excellent Susan Ericksson doing great job, hardly got any sleep, brilliant… now waiting for release of the ‘real’ book!

  • Comment by fuzzy — May 21, 2014 @ 2:34 am


    Random question, but this is the only place I can think of where I might find the answer. Does anyone remember a short story about a black hole which snitched papers and keys and then pages of a story not yet finished, and then the author to find out the ending? I am trying to find it…..

  • Comment by rkduk — May 27, 2014 @ 2:04 pm


    The foal has such cute little black socks.

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