Apr 05
Lost Story Found
Posted: under Collections, Contents, Good News, the writing life.
Tags: story, the writing life April 5th, 2024
Just a couple of days ago, while organizing some of the stacks of paper, old notebooks, etc. in one of the rooms, my Organizer in Chief found a print-out of a story I hadn’t been able to find on any current storage unit…since last fall’s demise of the flash drive which had held the backup of the hard drive that self-destructed a year ago. It was one I had planned to use the next short-fiction collection, and a hard loss, since unlike some stories, it was difficult to write and would be very difficult to *rewrite* in a way that I’d like. I’d tried.
So Kate’s finding it was a huge boost to my mood. It was a photocopy of an earlier version with a lot of editing marks on it (scratch-outs, inserted words, scribbles between lines, etc.) but it was essentially whole. We scanned it into the computer, then took the .pdf and converted it (not without some problems…the conversion process did not like my handwritten marks!!) to a .docx version. I’ve spent quite a few hours trying to make Word behave (!!!! to Microsoft designers of that annoying software!) and retain the instructions (double-space…not single, not multiple, just plain old double-space. Using the font I want, not the font Word wants. With no added space between paragraphs, an indented first line ONLY, and no sudden lurches into centered text, right-justified text, etc. etc. etc.) It’s going to take multiple corrective runs, but at least I’ve got it.
It’s from Old Aare, when the Sandlord’s great drought was just beginning to cause social/economic upheaval and the shift of populations across the continent. And it *will* be in the new collection and I will be glad of it. The other “Old Aare” story in that group is the previously published “My Princess” from the DAW anthology Warrior Princesses. Also in the new collection is “Judgment” from The Dragon Quintet, and the story “Destinies” which is a follow-on to the story “Consequences” in the previous collection Deeds of Youth. And another one or two, whatever will fit into the word count.