Nov 07

Reader Input Wanted

Posted: under Background, Reader Help.
Tags: ,  November 7th, 2023

Behind the scenes work is going on to reorganize the “research” end of Paksworld.  One of the things I need, post concussions, is an easier place to look things up within the fictional world the Paks books are written, to maintain continuity between them as I work on new ones.   I spent hours over the weekend trying to find  the name of the best bootmaker in Valdaire, and checking out that a certain first name hadn’t been used for the opposite sex, at least not recently.  But we want that “place to look things up” to be useful to you readers, too.

So this is a call for help.  What would YOU like to see in a collection of info on Paksworld?  What are questions YOU have that aren’t answered in the material already provided.   Do you have great ideas for enhancing such a compendium that you’d like to see tried out?    What is it you *don’t* want to see in such a pile of facts?   I can put you in touch with the person who is doing the heavy-lifting on this (my hands already being full with Horngard II and some shorter stuff AND trying to get the house more in order AND other lifestuff).

Eventually we want to extend this project to the other fictional worlds, so someone who wants to know a character name in a Vatta book, or wonders if a character in the Serrano-Suiza books is related to another character, can find out, but since I’m working in Paksworld right now, that comes first.  (And there are more books, and WAY more words, in the Paksworld group than in the any of the others.

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