Oct 25
Posted: under artwork, Craft, Horngard, the writing life.
Tags: artwork, revision, the writing life October 25th, 2023
Instead of a snippet in words, a sketch–the kind of thing I often scribble on the back of an envelope or letter or any paper handy…this time the back of a 4×6 card, first with the gel pen and then colored in with colored pencils. I made it Tuesday evening to clarify the terrain and situation for members of the Discord writing group I’m in–most of them not familiar with my work so not at all with Paksworld. I don’t submit something every week, because they like shorter chunks of things, and that means fragments. But what I often want most from a first reader is not detailed comment, but whether or not the flow of action makes sense or is jumbled. In the first draft, I don’t worry about stuff that may not even be there in second draft. (in fact, in this case I was editing right up to it being my turn because I knew they might have a problem visualizing the terrain without a lot more words than I wanted to spend…this area was described when the allied forced came in several days ago.
This doesn’t cover the entire area of the ambush sequence but the most relevant bits. The card was white, but messing with the white balance enough to make it look white wiped out the other colors. I need better light in the study. Anyway. North is up. The Pliuni Road leads west and up to the citadel, or east about 10 days’ travel through rows of hills (think the rumples of a kicked rug) to the walled city of Pliuni, about 5-7 days south of Valdaire. That steep cliff on the left (contour lines close together) is the base of one of the “horns” of Horngard. That lower hill on the right (contour lines farther apart) is the first hill east of the big cliff. A waterfall comes down the cliff into a pool (out of scale) with a bar at the east end that makes an easy ford for horses or people. The stream flows east (and is also out of scale). The red-brown seed-shaped ovals represent the horses of Clart cavalry exiting the citadel valley right before the ambush attack from across the stream. Halveric Company (2 cohorts) is camped on the left, and Fox Company on the right. Those triangular pointy bits are tents. Green with squiggles inside is thick vegetation. Ambushments include across the stream, from head-high bushes and young trees, and down from the end of that hill. On the far side of the creek, there’s a hill like the one on this side; the attackers are armed with bows (blackwood longbows, a few crossbows, a few recurved bows) and the brush has been “sculpted'” by careful pruning to allow clear shots with maximum cover. The distance across the creek is only 10-15 yards. The vertical distance from the hilltop is somewhat more, but gravity adds punch.
In version 1 of this sequence, Nasimir Clart and his horse were wounded; in trying to dismount from his horse, an archer on the hill got a lucky hit into the back of his thigh. However, that contradicted the sequence in “Bank Transfer” when he comes cantering across a ford some distance from here (not this ford) and is feeling great. A deep wound in the back of the thigh would not let him ride again that soon, so the first major change in the story was changing out where he was and giving the injury to someone else. (Sorry, Reassigned-Victim.) Clart has not been a POV character before, and once turned loose he proved a superb one, producing good plot faster than I could write it.