May 26
Still Working….
Posted: under Uncategorized.
May 26th, 2023
Last stitch is still annoying me. Lots of good things have been accomplished with Kate’s help, but I will need to keep at it after she goes home next week. And for the next few days, of course, as well. Boxes and bags of stuff has gone out in the trash. Yarn and stacks of off-season clothes have gone into bins for later final sort and storage. All the tech stuff but one has been accomplished, including some unexpected wins and some (expected but not exactly welcome) fails. The most visible difference is in my study, but there’s more to do there, too, and no room is *completely* done: three are markedly better, however.
I have managed to pull off an additional thing…a thank=you to the ER crews at the hospital, which should cheer them up when working on a holiday weekend. Really, REALLY happy with the cooperation of a pizza shop!! And a Paksworl-related short thing is coming together nicely, though I can’t work on it steadily while we’re trying to do this other stuff.