Apr 11
Good News
Posted: under Good News, Life beyond writing, the writing life.
Tags: Life beyond writing, the writing life April 11th, 2023
Having acquired the hub with an SD card slot, I finally got brave and put my working “fiction” SD card in (not easy as it requires me to put it in upside down…it wouldn’t go in at all first, either way, but finally did work. I had the camera card for testing. I still don’t have my favorite photo software on this machine, so that’s next…getting the writing straightened out is primary.
So I put that card in this morning, mental fingers crossed…and yes, both Horngard I and Horngard II are in there, apparently unharmed. I had also saved the Paksworld stories folder, and the specific “Deeds of…” folders before the wreckage started, so I have those files again. The stories I least wanted to have to type in from the books they were in, and the unfinished ones and some notes. And some others of serious interest, including some passwords. Also realized that I’d made a continuity error in Horngard I (from Limits of Power, which I was re-reading to check up on something for Horngard II. Ha! Porfur was Marshal in Ifoss, not Fossnir (as I foolishly wrote in Horngard I.) In fact, I’d conflated the layout of Fossnir to be more like Ifoss…so I’ve got to deal with all that and redraw some town plans (did not have the old town plans anywhere I could find. SIGH.
How could I be that careless, you ask? Well…time and concussions will mess things up. Alone or together. Gwennothlin, Aris’s older sister, spends some time in Fossnir, which is closer to the Andressat border than Ifoss. Aris visits Fossnir a few times as a courier earlier in Horngard I, but there’s no interaction there (readers know he’s come from there on one assignment, but not anything he did while there. Gwenno, OTOH, has a reason to be there and interact with people. (Wait, you say, what is Gwenno doing in Aarenis at all? Well. That’s a long story. Patience.)
Turned in the letter for the annexation today, too, so I hope the city accepts it. Probably not before the May council meeting. Otherwise, I need to make another trip to a bigger town (with a Target store…) SIGH.