Feb 18
Deeds of Youth: Off to NYC
Posted: under Collections, Deeds of Youth, Life beyond writing, Progress, the writing life.
Tags: Life beyond writing, progress report, the writing life February 18th, 2023
The seven stories of Deeds of Youth have been combed over and checked again and again; the two that were serialized here have had a few minor changes made. One has never been “out in public” yet. Those three (two seen in the blog, one never) will get a professional polish from a copy editor; the other four, suppposedly (I HOPE!) clean enough copies are as they appeared in the anthologies. I’m hoping Agent agrees to use the same basic cover design with the new title and the background in green “antique-leather) behind the gold lettering. I do not yet have a release date, but I expect to have the date within a few weeks (that’s how it happened last time) and it should be out this year for sure.
Back to working on Horngard I.
Between the ice storm, the aftermath of the ice storm (heavy rain onto the melted ice) , some power outages and a total failure of plumbing, the past few weeks have been hectic and requiered a lot of “adjustment” to daily life. Having both toilets nonfunctional for a week + days, and the septic tank having to be pumped, and such…not the most fun in the world. But we’re lucky that it’s now back together and functioning.