Nov 07
Onward With Horngard II
Posted: under Horngard, Progress, the writing life.
Tags: characters, progress report, the writing life November 7th, 2022
With Horngard I with my agent, Horngard II is up for some work, even though I have Other Things that must be dealt with. Over the weekend (M-‘s birthday weekend, so less writing time, in addition to struggling with a computer/printer difficulty and a .pdf file difficulty) and today, Horngard II has gained 4000 words without excessive effort or loss of sleep. I hope it continues to behave like #1 and roll itself out in front of me. And if it doesn’t…I’ll cope.
Right now (this instant) it’s at 17,289 words and 81 pages. The words before about 75-100 pages are very…fragile, vulnerable to alteration or even abandonment later. For a middle book, in particular, as I expect this one to be, there’s a lot of mist and fog and not much to see from the beginning, which is back down from the height the first book reached. Characters are alive, vivid, full of themselves right now. Story itself is eager to get to the next “good stuff,” but in that hurry is quite capable of running madly ahead and off the cliff into a nasty ravine of “it never happened, go back and write something different.” That happens once a book at least anyway, so though I don’t LIKE it, it’s not a really serious problem.
So Horngard II is alive, moving, has withstood its first long interruption (when working on agent’s suggestions, and all that suggests it will follow its older sibling and continue to grow with its own vigor.