Sep 13
Tigger’s Progress
Posted: under Life beyond writing.
Tags: Life beyond writing September 13th, 2019
Tigger is revealing himself to be smart, alert, interested in communicating and gaining facility in that, and athletic. We have passed some critical milestones. About a week after the previous post, my then vet became my former vet, and I went back to some vets I’d had before. Tigger has now had his first full-on visit to that vet clinic, where everything went very well indeed, and things said by former vet became more obviously false. Tigger has continued to mellow, but mellow-for-him, not what everyone would call mellow. The big vet visit turned up the reason for his bitting difficulty…an injury to his tongue that’s left a transverse groove (probably actually a scar) across his tongue. So for the present, he’ll be retrained to go bitless. In the meantime, he’s stretched his neck a lot, and is less likely, even when excited, to suck it back and imitate a giraffe with it. He’s fed at ground level, even though it means wasted hay, is outside grazing a lot, etc. He is trusting us more, comfortable with the routine, though still not fond of being brushed. We’re doing some desensitization by a slower process than many trainers, because I have the time…no rush to get him “finished.” If you want to read about the current challenges, they’re detailed on my FaceBook posts.
Pictures follow:
Relaxed and moving forward in a disunited canter…better use of his neck and back
But in the presence of something scary…the head’s higher and the tail stiffly upright, the gallop 4-beat but correct in form
And in the suspension phase those hooves are *really* off the ground
He’s a lot of fun and takes up quite a bit of my time. It will be well into October before I can expect to get on him. I’ve ridden completely trained horses in a halter and shank but he’s going to be a challenge. The Marrakai horses in Paksworld were not modeled after pure Arabians but they were modeled after part-Arabs. They do look something like this but with a bit more bone.