Apr 17
Editing: The Cut Direct
Posted: under Editing, Revisions, the writing life.
Tags: revision, the writing life, writer-as-editor April 17th, 2009
Final days of my work based on the editor’s notes. What left for NYC already a few thousand words shorter than it had been, is now almost 3000 words shorter than that…and you would not miss one of them. Well…maybe a half dozen, but you’d have to have read it before.
How do editors and writers decide what to cut? Well…think of the classic example: Michelangelo saying that to make a statue all you do is cut away the stone that doesn’t belong. It’s much the same with words, though figuring out what doesn’t belong is a bit tougher. After all, if you’re carving a cube, and there’s this triangular lump sticking out one side…that doesn’t belong. If the “David” had chin-wattles, that wouldn’t belong. But with a story, especially the first of several that share a story arc…does the bit about the pony and the wildcat belong or not? (There was no bit about the pony and the wildcat: I just made that up. I made the whole thing up, but you know what I mean…)