Feb 12


Posted: under Background, Contents.
Tags: , , ,  February 12th, 2009

This snippet is the first in the book (in the present version) to resonate with the title Oath of Fealty.    Location: Duke’s Stronghold, shortly after word reaches there  (finally!) that Kieri Phelan is a) the rightful heir to the throne of Lyonya and b) on his way there.    The snippet is in snatches, leaving out bits that aren’t relevant to the title issue.

Arcolin woke to the memory of yesterday’s surprises and the realization that he needed to parade the whole Company.  They had given their oaths to Kieri, who had now left them.  They must now give their oaths to him.

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Feb 12

Happy dance

Posted: under the writing life.
Tags:  February 12th, 2009

Those of you who also read my LJ know that I’ve been down with pneumonia, so the happy dance is partly (but only partly) because the doc says my lungs are clear.

The relevant part of the happy dance for this blog, though, is that I’ve now heard from my editor, who’s had time to read the new book and is enthusiastic about it.     I have work to do on the first part, something we’ll discuss as I feel better (and I knew it needed “something”–just could not figure out what) , but she says she fell right back into that world.

As the energy level returns,  I’ll get back to regular posts on progress.  I was able to work on a variant beginning last night; it’s probably no good but at least the juice is flowing again.

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